At the end of 2014, one of QSpot’s Youth Facebook fans was invited to write a blog post providing her thoughts on being an LGBT youth. Limited editing was provided.
Life is What You Make It
Hi my name is Samantha I am going to be 16. I first found out I was a lesbian when I was in 6th grade. My parents found out I was dating a girl and they saw I was talking to her every day. I first brought a girl home to meet my parents just before school ended. They were happy for me as long as I am happy.
I think that if you are either lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender you should not be scared to tell anyone. Parents, friends, and everyone should respect you no matter what. There is nothing wrong with being any of them [any sexual orientation]. As long as you are happy then go for it, be happy and enjoy your life no matter if you are straight, lesbian, gay, bisexual or even transgender.

Photo credit: treyguinn / Foter / CC BY-NC-ND
Life is what you make it not what people make it to be for you. I think that no matter whom you are or what your choice is you are just a normal person to me. People at first will judge you but then they will be like, “It is cool I’m happy for you and wish you the best.”
You never have to rush coming out, take your time. Think of a great time to tell your family and friends but don’t wait to the moment when they find out the hard way. Family is most important because if you want them to meet that special someone, that person would like to be known as your partner not a friend.
Sammybear W. – Youth Blogger